Adam West passed away at 88 and with him a piece of my childhood. I remember in 1966 watching a new TV show called Batman with the Penguin and it ended with a cliffhanger to be continued the very next day. It was campy. It was exciting and so much fun-nothing like it on TV at the time. I was hooked. Adam West was always Batman for me even after the show fizzled out in three seasons with his honest, decent characterization of the caped crusader. West worked steadily for decades on TV and movies especially voice-over work, but the curse of being type cast followed him later in his career. Then he learned to embrace the fame and fortune it brought him.
I met him at the 2004 SuperMegafest convention in Hunt Valley featuring stars of yesteryear, and he was a bit eccentric and aloof-a bit of an enigma compared to the accessibility of most other celebs. Still, it was a thrill to meet a boyhood star. Now he is gone and I still have my Batman DVDs (Season One is the absolute best, please!) to reminisce..."Pow, Wham, Splat!"