

Sunday, September 11, 2016

SULLY and the Essence of a Hero

Sully, the dramatization of Captain “Sully” Sullenberger’s amazing water landing of a passenger jet in the Hudson River when both engines failed at once, serves as a jumping point for a deeper story of the subsequent NTSB investigation of the contradicting evidence of why the plane did not attempt an airport landing.  It is a fascinating, sobering examination of the possibility of human error and self-doubt that creeps into what should have been a celebration of courage under fire.  Reminiscent of films like Fate Is the Hunter and Courage Under Fire, where the narrative flashes back and forth with different points of view, the film is very much a study in the nature of heroism.  Tom Hanks is a wonderful embodiment of Sully while Aaron Eckhart gives good support as co-pilot Jeff Skiles. The actual flight is effectively rendered in great detail by director Clint Eastwood who never fails to maintain the human element that culminates in a powerful, emotional resolution. Well done.     

*** of **** stars

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