

Sunday, July 16, 2017

The Father of Zombie Films

Independent director George Romero passed at 77.  He directed a small film in 1968 called Night of the Living Dead and the zombie genre was in effect born. Romero made several sequels including the epic, original Dawn of the Dead, and he saw the film industry produce popular films by top directors including 28 Days Later, Resident Evil, Shaun of the Dead, Zombieland, and World War Z. Oh and there was this cable TV show called The Walking Dead you may have heard of.

I met Romero in 2006 at the Horrorfind Convention in Hunt Valley and found him to be very friendly and committed to making more zombie movies (which he did). I got him to autograph an early photo taken around the time of Dawn of the Dead.

His legacy will always be the father of modern zombie films, and his first film is regarded a ground breaking, horror classic.

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