

Saturday, May 07, 2022



Dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is an ambitious, spectacular dive into the multiverse explored in Spider-Man: No Way Home. As directed by Sam Raimi (Evil Dead, Spider-Man) fans will find this a harrowing adventure with a dark tone and stunning visuals. 

A girl named America (Xochitl Gomez) is pursued for her ability to cross into different multiverses when she finds Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch).  He seeks help from Wanda (Olsen is a standout), who yearns for her two sons (in WandaVision).  This sets in motion an elaborate chase and series of battles featuring magic that involve alternate versions of familiar characters past and present. With such powerful, mystical forces in play, can good triumph over a corrupt, formidable evil that threatens to destroy everything it its path?  

Who’s the most powerful Marvel character? The film answers definitively as it pushes Marvel films into mainstream horror with ghastly images courtesy of Raimi.  Fans of Marvel films/shows will have an advantage picking up relevant backstory and references.  While some characters get minimal development and not every subplot works, the film encompasses moments of regret, sacrifice, and betrayal as it maintains a constant threat of danger.  There are impressive, imaginative depictions of otherworldly settings where every possible manifestation is realized.

Cumberbatch owns the title role, but it is Olsen who gives a wonderful, fully realized performance here.  Rachel McAdams, Benedict Wong, and Chiwetel Ejiofor return and do solid work in support. (Raimi regular, Bruce Campbell, has an amusing cameo.)

It would be best to temper expectations for innumerable cameos, but there are surprise appearances particularly in one sequence that features a grand faceoff in this frenetically paced smorgasbord of wizardry and witchcraft and a horror veteran’s triumphant return to Marvel films.  (There are two post credit scenes.)

*** ½ of **** stars (for Olsen and Raimi fans)

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