

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Shore Leave 42 Back to Normal

 Shore Leave 42 in Hunt Valley was the first normal event after couple of years being virtual due to Covid. Filled with fans (some dressed as characters) of scifi tv and film and vendors with memorabilia and craftworks, the highlight were the celebs including Brandon Routh from Legends of Tomorrow and Superman Returns, Summer Glau from TVs Terminator series, and several other stars. I met Gates McFadden, TVs Beverly Crusher from Star Trek The Next Generation. It was a nice way for fans to immerse themselves in Trekdom and beyond.  Brandon Routh spoke and answered questions on his career as Superman and his return on TV in the Arrowverse. Nice guy.

I also crossed paths with Martin Grams who was prepping the MidAtlantic Nostalgia Convention this fall. Had a nice time at Shore Leave and looking forward to the fall.

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