

Monday, November 12, 2018

Stan Was the Man

Stan Lee has passed away at 95. What an amazing tale of a man who helped elevate the comic art form with his talented colleagues like Jack Kirby and Gene Colon (their cover art below). 

His career spanned pre World War II to the present but his glory years were the 1960s when he collaborated to create iconic superheroes who were human and fallible. Spiderman, Fantastic 4, Black Panther, X Men, and many more that reflected contemporary social issues. His weekly Stan's Soapbox was his commentary that ended with his phrases, "Excelsior!" or " 'nuff said". My favorite comic series was called Tales of Suspense that featured twin adventures with Captain America and Iron Man. 

So when Marvel moved to 21st century tech moviemaking, the adaptations were a child's dream come true. Stan would do cameos in most of these no matter the studio or format of film or TV. It almost seems fitting as ten years of the current Marvel Cinematic Universe culminates with the anticipated Avengers 4 next year, which ties up all 22 previous films in the series and marks the beginning of a new phase with relatively new or upcoming heroes, that I am virtually certain he filmed one more cameo. What a cool guy, what a talent, Stan, you were truly the Man.

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