

Thursday, February 25, 2016

The Art of Denial in THE BIG SHORT

A fascinating microcosm of the financial world gone amuck and its subsequent collapse is detailed in The Big Short, based on the best seller by Michael Lewis (Moneyball). An ensemble cast (Steve Carell, Christian Bale, Ryan Gosling, Brad Pitt) excels at depicting the few who saw the mortgage industry on the brink of failure and decided to take a huge risk by betting against Wall Street and potentially netting an enormous windfall in profit. Soon a picture emerges of a broken, corrupt system driven by phenomenal greed and ultimately undermined by subprime mortgages while the rest of the world was oblivious or in denial. It's a remarkable, factual chronicle that registers tension, macabre humor, and disbelief, and even though you know what's coming, it thoroughly engages its audience. One of the best films of the year.

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