

Thursday, February 25, 2016


The Avengers:Age of Ultron is a slam bang action filled adventure and continuation of the Marvel Cinematic world and a sequel to 2012's The Avengers. James Spader lends the ideal gravitas as the menacing Ultron who is created by Tony Stark with the best of intentions only to see a modern day Frankenstein that evolves and replicates itself to threaten the world. We still have the main cast led by Capt. America, Iron Man, Thor, The Hulk, Black Widow, and Hawkeye supplemented by some familiar faces and a couple new ones that have implications for the future. Add to this the wild card twins, Quicksilver and Wanda, whose powers are formidable. This is a darker, more grown up Avengers, and while the action borders on Transformers-like destruction and the quiet moments in the middle threaten to slow things down a tad, the whole thing works with some nice moments and more than a few memorable lines. Director/Writer Joss Whedon pulls off quite a feat by successfully juggling so many characters amid a moralistic tale of peace at any cost and its consequences. This has themes that will carry over to Captain America: Civil Wars next year. For me personally this is a thrill to see storylines and characters I grew up reading in my comic books brought to life on the big screen so convincingly! Not quite the achievement of its predecessor, but quite good.

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